KKSF is a 501c3 non-profit in the state of New York with a mission to promote philanthropy and public service. KKSF USA supports several efforts such as:

Provide free medical care for the poor

Improve education in rural India

Preserve historic Hindu temples

Help with performing last rites

Support UNESCO protected centers for learning

VHERDS-Voluntary Health and Education Rural Development Society

Provide relief for the victims of natural disasters such as cylcones, earthquakes, drought

Aid for the families of the soldiers in wars

Boarding school for orphaned children

One such effort that is the main focus of this camp is the preservation of ancient Vedic traditions through support for Veda Pathashalas. 125 students are taught by ten highly qualified Vedic scholars. They are provided with food, boarding, clothing and other basic necessities.This camp is an attempt to support this effort in a small way.