Stay Safe

Don't leave yet! We can still fix this!

Don't go off this website yet! I have more, and this is positive information. We can still fix this. Take action before it's too late!

I have been taking action on this virus by doing the 3M's spreading awareness and reminding people around the school to do the 3M's. This website is also part of my PYPX action so I can spread much more awareness aroujnd m community.

Take action!



Wear a mask, wash your hands, and stay 1-2 meters apart from people! This action is simple and easy, also can save your life!

research shows saliva droplets can spread 1-2 meters distance. This is why we social distance in public areas and in school. This is really important to do.

Washing your hands. People can get a bit picky with washing hands. People want to make washing your hands quick (even I sometimes do) but you need to fix that. Washing your hands is important because washing your hands can remove germs that are on your hands. Then what about hand sanitizer? Hand sanitizer kills germs in your hands but it might be a bit painful applying hand sanitizer for people with sensitive skin. Having hand sanitizer handy when your outside is good because if you touch something dirty/with germs, your hand sanitizer got your back to kill the germs.

Wearing a mask is super important. Everyone wears a mask, but do you wear your mask properly? Wearing your mask the right way is super important. If you wear a mask and it doesn't cover your nose, you are not being effective and you are not helping at all. Germs can go through your nose also. Cover your mouth and nose properly. when you cough and you have a mask, you don't spread germs around to other people so you are helping others too. Wearing a mask can also help your life. What if someone was coughing and he/she didn't have a mask on? The droplets will spread everywhere and if you don't have a mask on you can get infected (if the person got infected by the virus THEN coughed). You can save your life and other people's lives by wearing a mask.