Spread The Word, Not The Virus


chuan bo xiao xi, er bu shi chuan bo bing du

Description/message for the audience

Hello. Thank you for visiting my website. You can learn a lot about the coronavirus and you can find out new facts! There are also some entertaining things you can do in order for this website to be fun for others. There is Chinese/mandarin vocabulary included for the title, heading, etc. There are visuals/images that can help you understand more and know what I am talking about. Please take your time to enjoy the website and learn more! I hope you like this website.

What is the Coronavirus?


xing guan bing du shi shen me?

The image on the left shows how the coronavirus looks like. There are different looks of how any viruses look like.

The coronavirus is a pandemic going on right now. when you get infected, you can get different symptoms. By looking at the rest of the website, you can learn more about these and all different information about the coronavirus.

This issue has been impacting the world in different way

Purpose of this website


zhong zi

The purpose of this website is:

  • to give a lot of awareness of the pandemic

  • to give information about the coronavirus so people are more aware.

  • To guide people through this virus so people know what to do

  • To be entertaining but also educative so people can enjoy this website

Common symptoms of covid:




dry cough

lung cancer

sore throat

rare/uncommon symptoms





hard to breathe