Domestic Violence

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What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse is when a grown-up threatens, bullies or hurts another adult in the family. Sometimes it's called domestic violence. And it can happen in any family. It can be very hard to deal with but remember that it's never your fault.


It might not always be obvious if what's happening at home is domestic abuse. But if somebody in your family uses bullying or violence to get another adult to do what they want, that's domestic abuse.

It can include:

(Childline, 2020)

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is under 16 and is being abusive, this is Relationship Abuse or Peer Abuse. Click here if you feel this is happening to you for help and support.

Get support

The most important thing you can do is to keep yourself safe. Domestic abuse isn't your fault. And it's not down to you to stop the fighting, violence or abuse. Trying to stop it could put you in danger.

If you feel it's safe, tell your parents how you feel about what's happening at home. They may not realise that you know what's happening or how scary it is.

Talk to a trusted adult about what's happening. This can really help. If you're worried for your own safety, it's important to talk to somebody as soon as you can.

You can also get support for domestic abuse from The Hide Out.

Remember your safety is always the most important thing, if you ever feel unsafe in any situation, call the police on 999.