Diary Dates & Opening Hours

Start of day - doors open at 08:40. Registration at 8:50

Reception finish at 3:05, Key Stage 1 at 3:10 and Key Stage 2 at 3:15pm.

Children need to be in school regularly with minimal absence if they are to enjoy and achieve as well. Learning starts promptly in the morning and children who are late miss key learning as well as having an unsettled start to the day.

Current compulsory hours for each phase:

EYFS - 31hrs 15 mins 8:50 - 3:05

KS1 - 31hrs 40 mins 8:50 - 3:10

KS2 - 32hrs 5 mins 8:50 - 3:15

From September 2024 schools need to provide a 32.5 hr week for all children.  The 32.5 hour minimum expectation includes the time in each day from the official start of the school day (i.e. morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day (i.e. official home time). The 32.5 hour minimum includes lunch times and other breaks as well as teaching time and any enrichment activities that all pupils are expected to attend. It does not include optional before or after school provision.  We are currently consulting with staff and parents on the times of the school day, to revise the times of the school day for September 2024.


We expect all children to arrive on time and ready to learn. Children who've eaten breakfast at home or in school are far more ready to learn than those snacking on the way or missing breakfast completely. 

The start of day are not only important for children's emotional well-being and settling into the busy school day but they are key times for learning. Children arriving late have a disregulated start to the day and also impact on the learning of others when having to have a lesson explained because they missed the start of day. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 we start the morning with phonics - fundamental to children learning to read and write. Children arriving late miss their short phonics daily input. Others are embarrassed and insecure walking into class after lessons have started. This is why we have a staggered morning session without lining up - children can arrive between 8:40 and 8:50 so all can enjoy a positive start to the day. 

School holiday dates - check them out before booking your trip!

Kingsmead term dates 2023-4

CWAC School Holiday and Term Dates

Instructions for linking our calendar to your devices

Instructions for linking our calendar with your Google Calendar (including Android users)

Instructions for linking our calendar with your iPhone Calendar 

Instructions for linking our calendar with Outlook