Appearance and School Uniform
What do all children need?
Children should come to school dressed for the weather and time of year.
It is important that all items are named. We try to reunite children with lost clothes but don't have the space for quantities of lost property to be stored. We don't take responsibility for clothes or other items children mislay in school.
Beige or navy sweatshirt or cardigan
Polo shirt (red, yellow, blue, green, purple or white)
A plain black fleece for indoors on cold days and under a coat for the very coldest weather.
Black, grey or navy trousers, shorts, skirt, culottes or unbranded and plain joggers or leggings. Please note the joggers and leggings being included as school uniform was brought in during the pandemic. It has been popular and so we have kept it on offer. We reserve the right to remove this option for children who do not respect that their joggers and leggings must be plain and without logos (including stripes).
Flat, plain, shoes (not trainers) or sandals providing good foot support for comfortable play.
A coat or jacket suitable for the weather at the time of year - note that unless the weather is dire, it is healthier for children to play out than be indoors. A shower proof coat is helpful whenever rain is likely and warm coats, hats and gloves are essential in winter.
Hats for sun or cold weather.
And for PE:
All items should be unbranded and plain (no football kits or fashion sportswear with logos).
White, navy or black shorts for indoor PE and outside in good weather,
Black leggings or joggers for outside in cold weather no branded items or logos).
A plain white T shirt.
Black or white pumps / plimsolls / trainers.
Their beige or navy sweatshirt or cardigan for cold weather outside.
Please remember that part of keeping safe includes staying warm and dressing for the weather. Buccaneer are now offering black fleeces as part of our uniform. Wearing a vest, leggins under trousers will keep you warm in well ventilated classrooms. Having a warm, showerproof coat, sturdy shoes, hat, scarf and gloves will keep us all warm and dry outside.
There is no such bad thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes.
No gelled or dyed hair.
Long hair must be tied back with plain bands or slides (no over-sized or sparkly hair decorations e.g. Jo-Jo bows, cat's ears).
Shoes must be flat, plain and supportive.
No heels, ballet-style pumps or flimsy shoes, no trainers (other than for outdoor PE), no backless shoes.
Please do not send children to school in overly patterned shoes or ones with with flashing lights, toys or wheelie heels.
Jewellery of any kind (including earrings) is not permitted. If piercing your child's ears, please do so at the start of the Summer holiday so they can be removed in time for the start of school in September. Some religious beliefs require the wearing of a simple piece of jewellery which may not be removed; this is respected.
No nail varnish or make up.
Watches and fit-bits that cannot be used to message via the Internet may be worn unless they become distracting in class.
We take no responsibility for loss or damage to any personal property brought in from home.
Why do we expect children to wear school uniform?
Uniform brings a sense of equality, community and belonging. Children get messy in school and a uniform keeps their out of school clothes in good order reducing costs to families. We have thought hard about our dress code which offers a fair bit of choice alongside smart, practical clothes for a busy day.
Children can experience too much pressure over their physical appearance. We are interested in children's ‘inner beauty,’ their good character and personal qualities. We want Kingsmead pupils to be attending to their learning, investigating their world, getting along with each other and playing—not comparing clothes, jewellery or other paraphernalia. This is why we don't include branded clothes or sports kits with logos or designs other than our school logo in our school uniform.
Please name all items of clothing as the school cannot take responsibility for any lost property. As we play out in rain or shine children should also have warm clothes and sturdy footwear for the outdoors.
Many items of uniform, including all those with school logos, can be ordered direct from our suppliers, Northwich Schoolwear (part of Buccaneer Group) and Stitch Design. Northwich Schoolwear is also open for ordering and buying offline.
Caring for yourselves, other people and the planet by reusing uniform
We hope our children will be proud to wear second-hand uniform too, caring for the environment as well as family budgets. Uniform swishing events, organised by the Eco-group mean families can save money and the planet by reusing good quality uniform. We ask that donated stock, grown out of, is of good quality, washed and with any name tags removed. We hope children and families will be proud to wear uniform without a carbon footprint.
A choice of colours of polo shirt, options for sweatshirts and choices of trouser/skirt colour mean handing down between families and friends is easier.
Families are invited to take items and leave a donation in the box if they feel able.
Every child can have their own treasured books at home and look smart in school uniform.
Thanks to kind donations from families, books and pre-worn uniform (we accept shoes and football boots too) are available in the school entrance hall. Donated clothes must be washed and all must be in good condition.
Be useful and kind to the environment - wear good quality, pre-worn uniform with pride!
Be useful and kind to other people - donate good quality books and washed uniform to school for re-use by younger children.
Be useful and kind to yourself - choose pre-read and pre- worn clothes to help family budgets.
Order Uniform Online

KidsBank are a local charity that collect new and pre-loved items for babies and children and then distribute them to families across Cheshire.
KidsBank offer uniform support for children age 0-12 years old. Any family in need of support can submit a uniform referral. Uniform referrals are processed twice a year.
Summer Uniform - You can submit a referral for summer uniform from 1st March. These will be processed and delivered during the Easter holidays.
Autumn Uniform - You can submit a referral for Autumn uniform from 1st June. These will be processed and delivered during the summer holidays.
Families may refer themselves for generic school uniform using the following link: