BTEC Business/Enterprise

Head of Business: Mr. T Smith

Welcome to BTEC Business -

The start of something new!

The Business team look forward to working with you next year and equipping you ready for all the skills and knowledge you will need for the world of Business that awaits you!

About the course

The BTEC Enterprise/Business Tech Award gives students a broad insight into entrepreneurship and the skills, knowledge and attitudes that underpin it. This course prepares learners to enter the workplace in due course, in the business sector, in areas such as business administration, marketing, finance, human resources, sales and customer service.

The BTEC Business/ Enterprise has three core components. Two components are assessed internally through the use of controlled assessment, where learners complete realistic tasks and activities to show their knowledge and understanding, as well as reflective practice. Component 3, which is assessed externally, equips students with real life skills for sixth form/college or apprenticeships.

Component 1 - Exploring Enterprises

In Component 1, students will research and explore the characteristics of enterprises and the skills needed by entrepreneurs to be successful. Learners will explore how enterprises use market research to determine customer needs and competitor behaviour, as well as the affect of internal and external factors . This component represents 30% of your final grade.

Component 2 - Planning and Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea

In Component 2 students will generate two realistic ideas for a micro-enterprise and choose one of these to plan within a budget. They will individually present their business plan for their idea, as well as review the production and delivery of their presentation to make reccommendations for improvements. This component represents 30% of your final grade.

Component 3 - Marketing and Finance for Enterprise

In Component 3, students will learn how marketing is used by enterprises and the factors that influence how businesses target their market. Students will complete financial documents and statements to enable them to use these to improve the performance of an enterprise to ensure their success. This component represents 40% of your final grade.

Further Information and Links

Taught by Mr. Smith, Mrs. Barber and Mrs. Edwards, the Business teams brings a huge amount of experience and expertise to the classroom.

Students develop knowledge and understanding by applying their learning and skills in a work-related context and this course engages students to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop skills that are essential for the modern-day workplace. These skills include: teamworking; problem-solving; communication; working from a prescribed brief; working to deadlines; presenting information effectively; and accurately completing administrative tasks and processes.

Business trips and interviews with entrepreneurs will take place during the course for further enrichment and helping to develop employability skills of the students.

Please see the link below for further information on the BTEC Business course: