10 Practical Ways to Bring Gamer Superpowers to the Classroom by Jane McGonigal
Be the Video Game Maker - virtual video tour of game studio with interactive game making
Beginning Game Programming for Teens with Python - great tutorial to get started
Board Game Hacking - materials and principles for running your own hack jam
CodeinGame - game challenges
CoderDojo Tutorials - coding tutorials shared by CoderDojos around the world
CS Unplugged - great resource for group activities that lead to understanding underlying concepts of CS
Games for Change - catalyzing social impact through digital games - share how you learned to program
Shaun the Sheep Game Academy - learn and make Scratch games with characters from the Aardman universe
Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Game - created by a 5 year-old and her dad
So you want to be a in the game industry? - hand-out from little bit studio
Teaching Appmaker to Youth - resources from Digital Harbor Foundation
This is not a game challenge - create video games to change the world
Time Machine - contribute a story and/or game to this collaborative gaming project
Read & Listen
Adventures in Raspberry Pi by Carrie Ann Philbin
Calling All Girls! Don't Just Play Games. Start Making Your Own at HuffPost
Can coding really change the world? by Kim Wilkens
Can We Game Our Way to Better Health? via Science Friday
Computer Science and Games: Just for Girls! by Gail Carmichael
Create a Video Game Design Workshop Planner by Kim Wilkens
Design a Game - a site on game design and development. It is curated by Pietro Polsinelli
gameful - secret HQ for making world-changing games
How to Start a Game Company Incubator in a School - Texas high school experience
Pipeline from Valve - resource created by HS students for HS students interested in the video game industry
PBS Kids Stream - lots of great ideas for making video games for the STEM challenge
ScratchED - tutorials and resources for creating games with Scratch
Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal
Video Game Design (experience from the classroom incorporating science & writing) by Kevin Hodgson
Video Game Design Challenge (experience from after-school workshops) by Kim Wilkens
Welcome to the emotion arcade (Science Friday)
What it's like to attend Girls Make Games, the all-girls game dev summer camp
Flow in Games by Jenova Chen
GAMES Initiative - Girls Advancing Mathematics, Engineering + Science
Re-Mission improving self-efficacy behaviors in young people undergoing cancer treatments
Awesome App Race by SciGirls
Code Hero literacy as planting the seeds of STEAM by Alex Peake
Day in the Life: Video Game Designer by ConnectEd
Gaming Can Change the World TEDTalk by Jane McGonigal
Hello World! Processing documentary
Hack a banana, make a keyboard! by Jay Silver
PBS Game/Show a web show about games and culture
Wayward Mansion by Neil Gaiman
Why I brought Pac-Man to MoMA by Paola Antonelli