
What will Kila students learn in art class?

  1. Project development skills: Students will learn to plan, organize, and produce a product as set by the objectives of lessons.

  2. Different hands-on abilities: Students will learn various artistic skills like sketching, painting, clay work, paper projects, and more.

  3. A sense of pride and achievement: Students work will be displayed in the classroom, on campus, and at special events such as the Christmas program.

  4. Time management: Students will learn how to balance their time schedules as completing larger projects in art classes can often be time intensive.

  5. Cultural Diversity, meaning to introduce and engage students to promote cross-cultural understanding through art exploration.

  6. The Elements of Art: The visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value.

  7. Artist Studies: The breakdown of the artistic elements in an artwork to discover how it portrays meaning.