Fourth Session

Discussion 1 - Introduction Questions:

Discussion - Dating 

Question 1 How long should a couple date before they seriously think about marriage?

Question 2 What do you think is the most important quality in a relationship?  Why?

Question 3. How would you describe yourself in 5 words? E.g. (Talkative, Outgoing, Quiet, Shy, Happy Friendly, etc.)

Question 4 How important are the following?

5 - Very important 

4 - Important 

3 - Kind of important 

2 - Not so important 

1 - Not important at all

More questions!

1 - Where are the best places to go on a date in your city?

2 - Have you ever been on a blind date? (When you have never met the person you're dating.)

3 - What dating apps are popular in your country?

4 - Is it usual for people in your country to Go Dutch (each pay half) if you go out together?

5 - If your parents did not like your partner, what would you do?

6 - At what age is it ok for teenagers to date?

7 - Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?

Discussion - Marriage and weddings

Describe a wedding in your culture.