
Book & Book Chapter

Woo-Shin Lee, Chang-Yong Choi, Hankyu Kim (eds). 2017. Field Guide to the Waterbirds of ASEAN. ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Unit (AKECU), Seoul, Korea.

Brambilla, M., Matthew G., Betts, Ute Bradter, Hankyu Kim, Paola Laiolo and Thomas Sattler. 2023. Chapter 8. Modelling Large-Scale Patterns in Mountain Bird Diversity and Distributions. in Ecology and Conservation of Mountain Birds (Chamberlain, Dan, Aleksi Lehikoinen, and Kathy Martin, eds.). Cambridge University Press.


Recent Peer Reviewed Publications

1. Hankyu Kim, Brenda C. McComb, Sarah JK Frey, David M. Bell, and Matthew G. Betts. 2022. Forest microclimate and composition mediate longterm trends of breeding bird populations. Global Change Biology, 28(21), pp.6180-6193.

2. Christopher Wolf, David M. Bell, Hankyu Kim, Michael P. Nelson, Mark Schulze, Matthew G. Betts. 2021.Temporal consistency of undercanopy thermal refugia in old-growth forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 307:108520

3. Hankyu Kim, Yongwon Mo, Chang-Yong Choi, Brenda C. McComb, Matthew G. Betts. 2021. Declines in common and migratory breeding landbird species in South Korea over the past two decades. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:627765

4. Matthew G Betts, Adam S Hadley, David W Frey, Sarah JK Frey, Dusty Gannon, Scott H Harris, Hankyu Kim, Urs G Kormann, Kara Leimberger, Katie Moriarty, Joseph M Northrup, Ben Phalan, Josée S Rousseau, Thomas D Stokely, Jonathon J Valente, Chris Wolf, Diego ZárrateCharry. 2021. When are hypotheses useful in ecology and evolution? Ecology and Evolution 11:5762–5776

5. Min-Su Jeong, Hankyu Kim, and Woo-Shin Lee. 2020. Spatio-temporal variation in egg-laying dates of nestbox-breeding varied tits (Poecile varius) in response to spring pre-breeding period temperatures at long-term study sites in South Korea and Japan. Journal of Forest Research 25:232-241

6. Youmin Kim, Min-Su Jeong, Hae-Min Seo, Hankyu Kim, Woo-Shin Lee, Chang-Yong Choi. 2021. Growth-related changes in salt gland mass in gentoo and chinstrap penguin chicks. Polar Research 39:

7. Chang-Yong Choi, Hyun-Young Nam, Han-Kyu Kim, Se-Young Park, and Jong-Gil Park. 2020. Changes in Emberiza bunting communities and populations spanning 100 years in Korea. PloS one 15: e0233121

8. Min-Su Jeong, Chang-Yong Choi, Hankyu Kim, Woo-Shin Lee. 2019. Predicting climate-driven shifts in the breeding phenology of Varied Tits (Sittiparus various) in South Korean forests. Animal Cells and Systems, 23:422-432.

Under Review