The Library is fully computerised with iSLIM  software,   which is a web based integrated Library Management System along with iOPAC  online Catalogue module. This software is Multi user & multitasking. As the  software is web based the customer support can be provided online for maintenance . The latest version and updates are constantly provided by the company.   The software supports wired barcode scanners for circulation activities.   The backup of all the data is taken by the software. A seperate dedicated computer is used as a server for this software.  All the activities of the library can be done using this software. Various types of library reports can be generated and printed using this software. Barcoding can be done using this software for the user and other resource material .  This software can be accessed through different  computer using login ID and password  by multiple users within the college premises. The iOPAC  online Catalogue module shows the user the books available in the library and the status of the book whether it is issued  or on shelf. It also provides the location of the books  in the library along with the bibliographical details.