The Path to Long Term Employment

Individuals that choose to work with Key Consulting have the benefit of working with the same small team over the course of their employment journey. Our career consultants work together with our job coaches and case managers to provide seamless service from placement to retention to long term coaching.

Job Development

You can speak with your Vocational Rehabilitation counselor to be referred to a job developer/career consultant at Key Consulting. Career Consultants will help with:

  • setting up work assessments

  • career exploration

  • creating application materials and applying to jobs

  • speaking with employers and locating opportunities

  • interview preparation

  • requesting accommodation

  • a variety of other support to help you locate a job that fits

They work in collaboration with you and your support teams to locate opportunities that fit your skills, interests and abilities. You will have the opportunity to offer input, feedback and make independent progress as we support you in finding the right fit.

Job Coaching

Once a career consultant helps you find a job, they and/or one of our job coaches will offer job coaching as needed to support you with things like:

  • learning expectations of the job

  • learning job tasks

  • understanding workplace culture

  • using accommodations

  • establishing supportive relationships with coworkers and management

  • problem solving

Communicating your needs to us is important and we tailor our service to provide the correct level and type of support for your long-term success.

Long Term Services

Once you are stable in your new job, if you qualify for long term job coaching services you may choose to receive services from Key Consulting LLC's Supported Workforce Services (SWS) Program. You may contact your personal agent or service coordinator to arrange a referral to our program. Once referred, you will continue to receive coaching without interruption. We also welcome referrals from people who have found their job through other agencies.

Your job coach and your SWS case manager will support you with continuing the path of most independence in your job and communicate with your support team to help you maintain long-term employment.