Supported Workforce Services Staff

Supported Workforce Services

The Supported Workforce Services team provides long-term job coaching and support for individuals referred through county or brokerage case management entities, fostering independence and skill growth that support long-term employment.

Daniel Hermann

Director of Supported Workforce Services

Daniel joined the team in 2016. He has a background working with youth and employment programs in the community. Dan is an ardent advocate for the individuals in his program and works closely with his team to provide exceptional job coaching services. 

Ally Biddle

Supported Workforce Services Case Manager & Human Resources Manager 

Ally joined the team in 2019. She has over 8 years experience in the employment support field and enjoys training and finding solutions for her team, individuals and employers.

Andrea Hermann

Supported Workforce Services Case Manager & Admin/HR Assistant

Andrea joined the the team in 2020. She has a background in retail management and is a UO alumni. Andrea brings her kind positivity and patience to the table when providing client support and 

Danae Brown

Supported Workforce Services Case Manager

Danae joined the team in 2023. 

Ellen Como

Job Coach Supervisor

Ellen joined the the team in 2018. Ellen has management experience and continues to provide compassionate yet practical support for both coaches and individuals. 

Tom Kuhn

Accommodation Specialist/Job Coach

Tom joined the team in 2022. Tom brings 30 years of teaching experience to our team and has worked with youth experiencing disabilities. Tom also works with the Job Development team to provide Career Exploration services.

Stacy V.

Accommodation Specialist/Job Coach

Stacy joined the team in 2022.

David B.

Accommodation Specialist/Job Coach

David joined the team in 2023.

Asante R.

Accommodation Specialist/Job Coach

Asante joined the team in 2023. 

Michael F.

Accommodation Specialist/Job Coach

Michael joined the team in 2023. 

Rita K.

Accommodation Specialist/Job Coach

Rita joined the team in 2024