Science Extra Credit

At Home Experiments:

These sites have some great ideas for projects ("science fair" type experiments). Complete an experiment and write a summary including pictures of what you did and what happened and to show you (you should be in the photo) doing the lab. You can submit your work in the way most convenient for you. I could be printed and stapled together, on a poster board, on a tri-fold board, or via google docs or slides.

You can earn up to 10 Extra Credit Points that will be added to your lowest test grade.

Check out , or . You can also type "kids science experiments" in your Google search box and find several sites where you can get ideas.

You can submit up to two at home experiments for credit on two seperate tests.

Track the Weather:

Keep a Weather Observation Journal for a period of two weeks (14 days minimum). You can earn up to 5 Extra Credit Points that will be added to a low non-test grade.

You can submit up to two weather journals for credit on two seperate non-test assignments.

Crossword Creator:

Create a crossword puzzle as a review for a Unit that we have covered during the current quarter. You have to have at least 15 questions relating to the unit. You may use your notes and any worksheets that we might have done covering that unit. You can earn up to 5 Extra Credit Points to add to a low non-test grade. You may use any online crossword creator to make and print a puzzle or use graph paper to hand draw a crossword puzzle.

You can submit up to three crossword puzzles for credit on three seperate non-test assignments.

All 4th quarter extra credit work must be turned in by May 31