About Counselling

Counselling is a deep listening and talking space. 

As a counselling therapist, my main role is to listen to you. This means you may be talking anything from 60 - 80 % of the time as together we connect and explore your issues. If you've not experienced psychological therapy before, this may seem unusual at first, however you'll soon get used to it and hopefully you will find it not only an enjoyable release but also an enlightening conversation as your thoughts and feelings start to make more sense to you, and things just seem to click into place. I will be there to support you in a compassionate and down to earth way, meaning that you will have the opportunity to feel safe and trust in the process as you explore new ways of relating to yourself, your feelings, and the world inside and around you. Usually the outcome of counselling is a positive transformation, whereby previously issues that seemed distressing now seem much less overwhelming, and you feel more confident in yourself, and hopeful about your future.

Counselling is a non-medical approach to working with you and your issues. 

When you enter as a client, I see you are a whole person, not a label, and as a whole person, you have the capacity to find your own meaningful connection with yourself that facilitates solutions to the issues in your life. Some people come to therapy initially looking for strategies and tools, and whilst I may teach skills and provide resources that could be useful to you, my role is primarily to support you to find your own authentic way of thinking, feeling and acting in the world.

Counselling is for self-discovery and empowerment.

Therapy is a learning space; it is an opportunity for you to self-reflect and learn about who you are, rather than solely learning things from other people, books or experts. In therapy sessions you can discover who you are, and you may develop a greater sense of power, autonomy and integrity as you make your own life choices. It's not about following particular rules, dogma, or formulas, it's about being yourself, with fewer inhibitions, and with more of a sense of personal agency.

Counselling is confidential, gentle and unrushed.

There's no pressure to disclose any more at any one time than you feel comfortable with, and we'll go at your pace. You are wholly welcome, warts and all. Nothing is taboo. Everything is held confidentially and according to strong ethical and professional values.

Therapy is a commitment to yourself.

Therapy is a commitment to improving your relationship with your thoughts and feelings, staying in touch with your issues and exploring ways through. It normally takes at least 6 to 8 sessions to really get going in your therapy and short-term therapy may last up to 20 sessions, or therapy may continue for a while long-term. Many of us already have commitments such as work, family, social and so on. I see time and again that those of us who prioritise to commit first and foremost to ourselves, for instance, through a course of personal therapy, are then able to show up better and benefit other areas of our lives.