
Scholarship in Indonesia

Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP)

KIP is one of the scholarships that is offered by the government in order to help the students who have economical limitations supported and have good academic potential to be able to afford the good study at public universities.

The requirements to register for the 2021 KIP Program are as follows:

  • KIP-KULIAH recipients are high school students or the equivalent who have graduated or will graduate in the current year or have passed a maximum of 2 years previously, and have valid NISN, NPSN, and NIK;

  • Have good academic potential but have economic limitations supported by valid documentary evidence;

  • Students of SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent students who graduate in the current year with good academic potential and have a KIP Card;

  • Students of SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent students who graduate in the current year with good academic potential and have a Prosperous Family Card (Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera);

  • Pass the selection of new student admissions, and be accepted into PTN or PTS in Study Programs with Accreditation A or B, and it is possible with certain considerations in Study Programs with Accreditation C.

For more detailed information visit: KIP Kuliah

Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI)

The Indonesian Education Scholarship Program (BPI) within the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) is a scholarship program of the Government of Indonesia based on the mandate of the LPDP Board of Trustees (Education Fund Management Institution) and the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Education Financing Service Center (Puslapdik) and/main units within the Ministry of Education and Culture funded by the LPDP.

There are several types of program that are offered

Beasiswa S1 / D4

Beasiswa S1 / D4 Calon Guru SMK (Dalam Negeri)

Beasiswa S1 Pelaku Budaya (Dalam Negeri)

Beasiswa S1 Prestasi Talenta (Dalam Negeri dan Luar Negeri)

Beasiswa S1 Prestasi Akademik (Luar Negeri)

For more detailed information visit: Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia

Tanoto Scholarship - Teladan

Tanoto Scholarship (Teladan) is a scholarship and training program designed to equip the next generation of Indonesia’s leaders with the skills they need to make a meaningful contribution to the places in which they live and work. Participants are eligible for scholarships which cover the full cost of tuition and a monthly allowance, and also received structured leadership training and mentoring.

For more detailed information visit: Tanoto Foundation

Others Scholarships

Japan - Monbukagakusho (Mext) Scholarship

The Monbukagakusho (Mext) Scholarship is intended for high school graduates who want to continue their education in diplomas (D2, D3) and S1 at Japanese universities. The scholarship provides full funding for study in Japan. In recent years these scholarships have been offered regularly, and will usually reopen around June - July each year.

For more detailed information visit: MEXT Scholarship

Netherland - Orange Tulip Scholarship

Orange Tulip Scholarship are scholarships that are managed and promoted by the Nesos (Netherlands Education Support Offices) in the participating countries. The courses offered, the application requirements and the total amount of the scholarship vary per country and institution. The institutions will select those who will be granted the scholarship.

For more detailed information visit: NESO - OTS

Netherland - Holland Scholarship

Holland Scholarship is a scholarship meant for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelor’s or master’s in the Netherlands.

For more detailed information visit: NESO - Holland Scholarship

Singapore - Tanoto Scholarship

Tanoto Scholarship aimed at developing the next generation of leaders who are future-ready, that partner with the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore Management University (SMU) to provide the scholars with a holistic leadership development program. Not only financial assistance to deserving undergraduate students, but the scholarships also equip the scholars with structured leadership skills training, community service, and networking experience.

For more detailed information visit: Tanoto Foundation - Singapore

Korea - Korean Government Scholarship Program

Korean Government Scholarship Program is an academic scholarship funded and managed by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), a branch of the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

For more detailed information visit: Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP)

This website gives the information about scholarship offered by many universities all over the world. For more detail information please visit the following link :