When Should you Apply for a Scholarship?

....RIGHT NOW!! ASAP!!! 

Most Scholarships are open to students starting as soon as you enter High School. If you have not applied to any scholarships yet that is OK! The summer before your senior year is a great time to determine which scholarships you qualify for and want to take the time to complete.

If you have time, look into any potential scholarship deadlines ASAP that may be approaching soon. It doesn't hurt to apply this year and then try again next year!

What is a Scholarship?

A scholarship is additional financial aid that you can receive to pay for school related expenses. While some scholarships are required to be used for specific expenses, such as tuition, most scholarships can be used for ANY expense ranging from room and board or a laptop for school.

Scholarships often have specific requirements based on things such as:

Types of Scholarships

It is very important to understand what types of scholarships exist so that you can find and then focus your efforts on applying for specific scholarships.

Applying for Scholarships

Before researching and applying for any scholarships you should make a list of the following:

Not only do you want a list of these things, summaries, essay templates/concept map (to avoid starting new essays from scratch), etc., which will allow you to find and apply more efficiently and save you time.

*Always take note of and follow all* application guidelines and requirements such as word count, following prompt, staying on topic, and submitting all required materials (make a checklist!).

Finding Scholarships

Read First: 

1. Local Scholarships