
Hello Teachers of  IHS! Welcome to the Teacher Resource Page. The Students Supports Team here at IHS understands there are many pieces to remember about PBIS-MTSS. This is a reference tool to refer back to and revisit to refresh your knowledge of PBIS-MTSS procedures, supports, expectations, policies definitions, etc. here at IHS. This website was made for you and feedback is appreciated. If there is a section or information you believe should be included  on the site please reach out to marcus_weaver@kernhigh.org to provide your feedback!

Tier 1 Supports


Enjoy live zoo animal cams, calming youtube channels with relaxing music, and other wellness supports

Commonly Asked Questions

Why is PBIS-MTSS so important?

Under Education Code Chapter 5.5 all California Schools are required to provide behavioral interventions and structures that fulfill the California Department of Education requirements. Kern High chose the PBIS and MTSS models and structures to implement throughout the district. 

Each High School in the Kern High District is audited under the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) every year during the Spring to ensure each High School in Kern is keeping the TFI standards. Our PBIS-MTSS Coordinators Kristy Towle (Tier 1) and Jeremy Newfield (Tier 2/3) do a fantastic job of keeping us, as a campus, in compliance and fulfilling our PBIS-MTSS policies and procedures. However, IHS does more than just meet standards, given the recognition system with California PBIS, we hope to display EXCELLENCE and apply for Platinum Level recognition so our school may be recognized for the amazing work the staff does on a daily basis.  

What is PBIS-MTSS?

Postivie Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) 

What it is:

PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.  PBIS is not a program, rather it is a systems approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavior supports needed for schools to achieve both social and academic success for ALL students.  

(Click Here for the KHSD Definition)


Multi-Tiered system of supports (mTSS) 

What it is:

MTSS is an acronym for Multi-Tiered System of Supports. MTSS is defined as a whole-school, data-driven, prevention based framework for improving learning outcomes for EVERY student through a layered continuum of evidence-based practices and systems. MTSS will usually focus on these shared tenets:

▪ Shared Leadership

▪ Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making

▪ Layered Continuum of Supports

▪ Evidence Based Instruction, Intervention, and Assessment Practices

▪ Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring

▪ Family, School, and Community Partnership and Engagement

(Click Here for the KHSD Definition)

What is my role in pbis-mtss?

Providing Tier 1 supports/ Interventions

Identifying when a student could benefit from support 

Things to look for: 

Making a Tier 2 Request (here)


What are Tier 2 groups? What Groups do we offer?


If you ever hear someone on campus talk about groups or Interventions, they are probably referring to Social/Emotional Learning (S.E.L.) groups that are being run by Marcus Weaver. These groups all follow an Evidence Based Intervention (EBI) booklet, last 10 weeks, and are during school hours. In these groups, students learn thinking skills and action skills that support their social/emotional learning.  

What groups do we offer?

There are many types of Interventions. The groups that we offer are based on needs of the school. In other words, our Interventionist builds groups based on need rather than offering various groups at various times. Any and all groups may be active depending on the student's needs of the school. 


What do you mean student need?

Here is a short list of some student needs/Groups: 

View our Catalog of EBI's (Here)

Check out our S.E.L. support groups and substance abuse groups. 

All Things Tier 2

What happens after i make the Tier 2 Request?

When should i make a Tier 2 Request?

Good Questions to ask before making a request

If the answer to those questions is yes, it may be time to submit a Tier 2 Request form (Here)


Feel free to contact marcus_weaver@kernhigh.org