PBIS-mtss (Multi-Tiered system of Support)

MTSS is an acronym for Multi-Tiered System of Supports and Kern High School District starts with the general education classroom setting for our first tier of intervention and supports. MTSS is defined as a whole-school, data-driven, prevention-based framework for improving learning outcomes for EVERY student in the Kern High School District through a layered continuum of evidence-based practices and systems. MTSS offers the potential to create needed systematic change through intentional design and redesign of services and supports that quickly identify and match the needs of all students. For more in-depth information on PBIS-MTSS Click Here.

Requesting for support:
How it works/Commonly asked Questions

What does it mean to "Request for Support"?

It means that you have seen a student or are a student who could benefit from school supports. When you make a request, the Tier 2/3 team will review your request, try to find the supports that best fits the student's needs, then offer the student the appropriate support.

Who Can ask for it?

The request form is for supporting our students. That means students can request support for themselves, a teacher could notice they might benefit from support and make a request, a counselor, friend, parent, or anyone who supports the student can request for support.

What kind of support will be offered to students?

Our supports range from academic, basic necessities, to social emotional support through counseling, an Evidence Based Intervention, or support from the school Social Worker. Here are the descriptions of the Interventions we offer (Click Here).

Tier 2/3 Interventions Explained

Tier 2 supports consist of one on one or group Evidence Based Interventions or (EBI). These interventions consist of interactive journals/booklets the students read through with the Interventionist. The Intervention booklets are all Evidence Based, which means they all are backed with evidence of positive behavior change once participants exit. The goal is to increase student's social/emotional learning and make their high school experience better.

Tier 3 supports consist of individual intensive case management Ms. Garcia (Melendez) for Individual intensive case management, crisis intervention, Support plans/linkage to community partners, direct therapeutic interventions and supportive counseling.