The Gund Art Loan Program

What is Art Loan?

As a Kenyon student, The Gund Art Loan Program allows you to borrow a piece of artwork for the academic year to enjoy, engage with, and share in the comfort of your dorm room. 

Why participate in Art Loan?

The Gund's Art Loan Program is a fantastic way to liven up your living space with real works of art by contemporary artists, both established and emerging. The Art Loan Program allows you to learn to care for art, interpret art's meaning, and appreciate the intrinsic power of art. 

You must live on campus for the entire academic year to be eligible for art loan (ie. you cannot go abroad either or both semesters).

"I’ve had art in my dorm space almost every semester I’ve been here. The only one without was last spring. And oftentimes I will forget that it’s there, but it’s the moments where I remember and I’m like, 'oh, yeah, I’m not the only one in here. There’s this living art here too.' It kind of makes me feel relaxed."

-Tariq Thompson, '21