Author Project: Biographical Analysis Papers


Our classes are almost complete with their study of authors and journalists who might show up on the AP Language Exam.

A list of authors and journalists with their BA papers attached is below:

The "acorn booklet" (aka "Course Description"), produced by The College Board, lists numerous authors to demonstrate the depth and breadth of texts AP students should be reading. Since 2000, my students have been collecting information on some of these authors via author study projects. (Source: )

Maya Angelou

Walter Jackson Bate

Paula Gunn Allen

Joseph Addison

Roger Angell

Hannah Arendt

Edward Abbey

James Boswell

James Boswell

Gloria Anzaldua

James Agee

Maureen Dowd

Simone de Beauvoir

Wendell Berry

Judith Ortiz Cofer

Thomas Carlyle

Michael Arlen

Margaret Atwood

Elizabeth Drew

William F. Buckley

Jacob Bronowski

Charles Dana

Winston Churchill

Matthew Arnold

Francis Bacon

Nora Ephron

Jean de Crevecoeur

Rachel Carson

Thomas DeQuincy

Vine Deloria, Jr.

Kenneth Clark

James Baldwin

M. F. K. Fisher

W.E.B. DuBois

Charles Darwin

Frederick Douglass

Leon Edel

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

G. K. Chesterton

Frances Fitzgerald

Margaret Fuller

Annie Dilliard

Benjamin Franklin

Richard Ellmann

Arlene Croce

Joan Didion

Janet Flanner (Genet)

John Kenneth Galbraith

Gretel Ehrlich

Lillian Helman

Shelby Foote

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ellen Goodman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Loren Eiseley

Helen Keller

John Hope Franklin

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Paul Fussell

David Halberstam

Thomas Hobbes

Stephen Jay Gould

Maxine Hong Kingston

Antonia Fraser

William Hazlitt

Mavis Gallant

Andy Logan

Thomas Jefferson

Evelyn Fox Keller


Edward Gibbon

bell hooks

Nadine Gordimer

John McPhee

George Kennan

Barry Lopez

John Henry Newman

Richard Homes

Samuel Johnson

Edward Hoagland

H.L. Mencken

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Peter Mattiessen

Samuel Pepys

Gerda Lerner

Pauline Kael

Zora Neale Hurston

Jan Morris

Lewis H. Lapham

Margaret Mead

Richard Rodriguez

Thomas Macaulay

Joyce Carol Oates

Jamaica Kincaid

David Remnick

John Locke

John Muir

Richard Wright

Samuel Eliot Morison

Walter Pater

Charles Lamb

Red Smith

Niccolo Machiavelli

David Quammen

Malcolm X

Francis Parkman

John Ruskin

Norman Mailer

Lincoln Steffens

John Stuart Mill

Carl Sagan

Anzia Yezierska

Arnold Rampersad

George Santayana

Nancy Mairs

Paul Theroux

John Milton

Lewis Thomas

Simon Schama

George Bernard Shaw

Mary McCarthy

Calvin Trillin

Thomas More

Jonathan Weiner

Arthur M. Schlesinger

Susan Sontag

N. Scott Momaday

Tom Wolfe

Thomas Paine

Ronald Takaki

Cornel West


Olive Schreiner

George Trevelyan

Oscar Wilde

V.S. Naipaul

Jonathan Swift

Barbara Tuchman

Edmund Wilson

Tillie Olsen

Alexis de Tocqueville

George Orwell

Gore Vidal

Cynthia Ozick

George Will

Ishmael Reed

Garry Wills

Adrienne Rich

Mary Wollstonecraft

Mordecai Richler

Sharman Apt Russell

Scott Russell Sanders

Richard Selzer

Richard Steele

Shelby Steele

Henry David Thoreau

John Updike

Alice Walker

Eudora Welty

E.B. White

Terry Tempest Williams

Virginia Woolf