What are the Academies of Louisville?

Academies are personalized learning communities within 15 Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) high schools that allow students to connect what they’re learning in the classroom to the real world through a career pathway that interests them. 

The Academies of Louisville launched in the fall of 2017 with a mission to equip students with the skills and 21st-century knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-changing global economy. Together, we aim to prepare, inspire and empower students by offering meaningful and relevant learning experiences that directly relate to our world today. 

Each Academy provides meaningful and relevant learning opportunities focused on the careers and industries that strengthen our local economy. Here’s a look at the in-demand industries our students can explore: 

Click the images for an overview of the Academies:

A look inside the student's journey:


All JCPS eighth grade students attend the annual Junior Achievement Inspire interactive career fair to explore industry sectors and available careers within the community. This helps students make the connection between the classroom, their high school choice and, ultimately, their future. 


Every ninth grader completes Freshman Academy. In addition to providing a smooth and successful transition from middle school to high school, Freshman Academy allows students to explore their interests and all of the career pathways at their school. 

Between field trips, guest speakers, and getting a taste of hands-on learning experiences like 3D printing, donning fire protection equipment or helping to build robots—freshmen will learn which Academy interests them most. 

During the spring of freshman year, students will select their top Academies of choice. The administration then assigns student placement based on factors as determined by each school. 


From tenth grade to graduation, students will sharpen their technical and success skills through hands-on and project-based learning within their Academy. There are 2-3 Academies for students to choose from at each high school. Students have the opportunity to explore careers and receive hands-on training and experience across a variety of in-demand industry sectors. 

Academy students will spend more time outside of a traditional classroom using the skills they’re learning and the certifications they’ve earned while working with local employers. Helping patients at a local hospital, producing podcast episodes, and even teaching preschoolers are just a few of the hands-on experiences waiting for our students.  


By graduating with college credits, industry certifications, work experience, and the mastery of academic and technical skills, Academy students are better prepared for careers and postsecondary success. Whether a student chooses to go to college or directly enter the workforce, success skills like communication, creativity, problem-solving, and determination provide a strong foundation for life after high school. 

What makes us different?


Beyond increasing engagement in core content classes through real-world applications, our students gain the practical skills needed to succeed throughout life, college and careers. They build relationships with local business partners and earn industry certifications, making their resumes stand out to future employers. They also learn the importance of soft skills like making eye contact and how to express themselves through professional attire—all of which better prepare our students for life after graduation. 

Even if graduates don’t continue studying this field in college or take on a job in that industry, the skills they develop are valuable for life. For example, learning to administer CPR, how to fix a leaky faucet or what kind of soil is beneficial for certain vegetables’ growth will be helpful regardless of what path a student takes after high school. By connecting high schools to business and community partners, Academies align education to in-demand, high-paying careers 


We encourage students to discover their own paths to success and know that many high schoolers are still years away from deciding what subjects, industries, and work environments they would ultimately like to pursue. That’s why we encourage them to choose a career pathway they’re interested in right now.

Academy students are more equipped for life and are able to make more informed decisions about their futures through: 

Our students leave high school with much more than a diploma. The skills they develop and the experience they gain stay with them long after graduation, with opportunities such as:

Students are placed in a personalized learning community based on interests with a dedicated principal, counselor, and team of core teachers (English, math, science, and social studies) committed to their development. The curriculum is supported by: 

Collaboration, technology, and access to real industry equipment have allowed Academies to set a new standard for future-proof education with hands-on learning. Our students benefit from engaging, relevant learning experiences that span beyond the walls of their high school including: 

The Academies of Louisville is helping transform the public high school experience. In this video, you will learn about how each school groups their career pathways, and the benefits our engaged community business partners provide for our students and the future of Jefferson County.

10 Tips for Engaging Students

1. 13 of 15 AofL High Schools start at 8:40 a.m. and end at 3:20.  Two (Atherton and Moore) start 7:40 a.m. and end at 2:20 p.m. When hosting students at your site, the anticipated arrival time should be 50 minutes or later from school start time and departure time should be no later than 50 minutes before dismissal time. There will be heavy traffic getting in and out of schools during the 20-30 minutes before start time and after the end time. Plan your arrival and departure accordingly.

2. The daily schedule varies from school to school. Please ask your Academy Coach for a copy of the daily schedule.

3. Please ask before you take any pictures of students We must have releases on file for use of pictures of students. We LOVE to have good stories shared by our partners. Most teachers will know which students if any in their class do not have photo releases on file.

4. We use A LOT of acronyms – please don’t hesitate to ask what they mean. Here are three of the most common:

5. Our unionized teachers are trained, professional educators. 85% of JCPS teachers hold master’s degrees and many are Nationally Board Certified Teachers. The contract between Jefferson County Teacher’s Association and the Jefferson County Board of Education guides our interactions with teachers.

6. Hitting benchmarks set by the KY Department of Education IS important – but it’s not everything. NOT hitting benchmarks could result in the school being marked as a Priority School, removal of the principal, and significant scrutiny on school programs. We firmly believe, in addition to being the right approach to engaging students in their learning, the Academies of Louisville approach will help schools hit those benchmarks.

7. Sharing information about specific students requires special permission. You’re familiar with HIPAA, right? In education, we have FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) which guides what student information we can and cannot release. Sharing grades, attendance, or behavior of specific students requires parental permission.

8. We focus on doing what’s best for kids – but we also have lots of rules, processes, and procedures. Field trips must be approved by the Jefferson County Board of Education, funds must be spent in accordance with the KY Department of Education’s Red Book, and background checks are required for volunteers working with students on a regular basis. Please be patient with us as sometimes these processes take time.

9. All Academy of Louisville schools have a "resides population". High School students in Jefferson County are assigned to a high school based on their address. They attend this school unless they choose another school through a magnet program/school or open enrollment.

10. Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Councils and Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) set policies for schools and the district respectively. SBDM’s are empowered to determine the school’s daily schedule & dress code, select optional curriculum, and hire the SBDM’s are comprised of teachers, administrators, and parents. JCBE oversees Student Assignment and budget, among other areas, that significantly impact school operations.

Ready to partner with us?

Business partnerships allow us to offer a wide range of activities that introduce students to firsthand learning experiences outside of the classroom. 

Business partners play a vital role in helping prepare our students for postsecondary and career success by providing meaningful, relevant learning experiences that directly relate to our world today. Local businesses and industries also benefit from Academies thanks to the development of a stronger pipeline of talent right here in Louisville, making our city and region an even greater place to live, learn and work.