100% Transition Ready

The mission of the Kenton County School District is to provide a world-class education ensuring ALL students are transition ready and prepared for the 21st Century Economy. To support the KCSD mission, there are two goals:  Transition Readiness Rate of 100% and an Attendance Rate at 96.25%.  KCSD students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to be able to obtain Transition Readiness. Within the KCSD Transition Ready model, emphasis is placed on being college and/or career ready at all levels. A commonality for college readiness at all levels (elementary, middle, and high) is earning a GPA of a 2.8 or higher, and advanced course work.  Career ready components are centered on internships, attendance, dual credit, volunteer opportunities, and military enlistment. 

Within Pillar 2 of our Community Based Accountability System, we monitor the success of our transition readiness programs and look for ways to constantly provide more opportunities to our students.

Students meet with adult advocates and have student conferences  around Transition Readiness throughout the school year.  Regular meetings with Adult Advocates will further help students determine if he/she is on track with obtaining Transition Readiness.  Please see the links below for how to obtain Transition Readiness by the end of high school, middle school, and elementary school within the Kenton County School District.  

How does a student gain college and career readiness at the end of high school, middle school and elementary school?

Kentucky Portrait of a Learner

Transition Readiness in the KCSD is defined as ensuring all students are prepared with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to be transition ready. Within the KCSD Transition Readiness model, one can find embedded the six traits of the Kentucky Portrait of a Learner:  Engaged Citizen, Critical Thinker, Effective Communicator, Empowered Learner, Creative Contributor, and Productive Collaborator.  The KCSD Transition Ready model is comprehensive across all grade levels and allows for opportunities for students to partake in experiences that will benefit ALL students leading to overall college and/or career readiness.  The Transition Ready model is designed to display college and career readiness through multiple measures.  Some examples (including but not limited to) of alignment with the Kentucky Portrait of a Learner are engaged citizens through community service and workplace learning, critical thinkers as demonstrated through advanced course work, effective communicators and creative contributors through internships and extra/co-curricular activities, empowered learners through meeting standardized testing benchmarks and 90% or higher attendance rates, and productive collaborators through enlisting in the military or passing the ASVAB.  As one can see, students are offered opportunities within both college and career ready indicators both inside and beyond the classroom to enhance their development within the six traits of the Kentucky Portrait of a Learner. 

Individual Learning Plans (ILP) for ALL Students

The Kenton County School District wants every student to graduate ready for college and work.  As students transition from elementary to middle school they will create an Individual Learning Plan (ILP).  The ILP will allow students to build self-knowledge, personalized plans, and critical life skills.  The ILP will continue through high school allowing each student to be prepared to make decisions for a successful future after graduation.  While in middle school, students will work with teachers and counselors to work on their ILP.  Once in high school, the students will continue working with teachers and counselors, and in addition, each high school has a College and Career Coordinator who will provide assistance with connecting each student's plan to their college or career goals.

The Kenton County School district, provides each 6th through 12th grade student a platform to develop their ILP called XELLO WORLD.  More details about this program can be found here.

KCSD by the Numbers

Within the  CBAS model, Pillar 3 is committed to Engaged, Well-Rounded Students.   In an effort to engage students in a way that contributes to the overall development and future well-being of all students, the Kenton County School district offers a wide variety of Related Arts and Elective opportunities.  

Elementary Schools
17 Different Options including but not limited to:

Art, Digital Literacy and Design, Innovation, Performing Arts, Physical Education, and Project Lead the Way.

Middle Schools
39 Different Options including but not limited to:

Automation and Robotics, Band, Communication, Global Issues, Spanish, Practical Living, Theatre, and Personal Finance.

High Schools
519 Different Options including but not limited to:

Art, Aerospace Engineering, Agriscience, Foreign Language, Dual Credit Explorations, Journalism, Creative Writing, Cybersecurity, Trade Skills, Musical Options, and Financial Literacy.