Gold Country Trip

What does drop-off look like the morning of departure? 

Students should arrive at Bacich at the regular time (8:10) on Thursday, April 25. They should place their overnight gear in front of the Community Center and go to their classroom. Students will place gear on the buses when their classes are escorted out prior to loading the buses. Students should keep their daypacks with them. 

How will students and staff travel? 

All students will travel on the chartered buses. Between two and four chaperones will be on each bus. Some staff may follow the buses in their private vehicles. A Bacich administrator will also be on this trip and will have their personal vehicle. The charter buses and the drivers are SPAB (School Pupil Activity Bus) certified. Buses are also certified by the California Highway Patrol. There are bathrooms on each bus, although students are encouraged to use the bathroom prior to departure.  Buses remain in Coloma while the students are there to transport as needed.

What should my child carry in his/her daypack on the day of departure? 

All students should have a daypack to bring on the bus to carry their healthy lunch, snack, water bottle, journal, pencils/pens, hat, sunscreen and a book/cards/bus activity.  NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES SHOULD BE WITH YOUR CHILD ON THIS TRIP OR IN THEIR BAGS. 

What should my child bring to wear?

Please see the Packing List 


How will I know that my child has arrived at Gold Country?

The school will notify all fourth grade families through the district communication system (ParentSquare) that the students have arrived safely in Coloma. 

How will I know when to pick my child up on Tuesday, May 16?

The Gold Country Staff will notify the Bacich Office when the buses leave Coloma on Friday. The Bacich Office will use the district communication system (ParentSquare) to provide parents with an estimated time of arrival for students to be back at Bacich. We hope to return around 3:15-3:30.

What if there is an emergency and parents need to contact their children? 

Families should call the Bacich attendance line at 925-2222 and leave a message. We will check the voicemail periodically throughout the two days that the students are on the trip. 

How many adults will go on the trip?

This year 10-11 adults will go on the Gold Country Trip. This includes Fourth Grade teachers, other Bacich teachers and staff, paraprofessionals, and administrators. 

Where do you stay?

We stay at EarthTrek, which is a rafting company and tent lodge during the rafting season.  We have stayed in this location for many years. The Bacich Gold Country Team has worked very closely with the owner, and he is wonderful about accommodating our school. We will be the only school in the camp for this trip. The EarthTrek staff loves our students and teachers and looks forward to our visit every year!

What are the sleeping arrangements?

Tent Groups are carefully organized by the fourth grade teachers. Teachers try very hard to place all children with students they will feel comfortable with. The canvas tents house 6-10 students each. Boys and girls are placed in different tents. Chaperones do not sleep in the tents with the students. Chaperone tents are located within 10 – 20 feet of the students’ tents. Since it is one night, all staff will be on night duty and have lights on their tents for students who need help. Children know where to find us if they need anything. 

What are Day Groups?

Student Day Groups are a mix of students from different homerooms. These groups are made up of 8–10 students and are different from the tent groups. Each day group has an adult chaperone. 

What do the students eat?

While at EarthTrek, students will have delicious and hearty meals served each day. The Bacich staff serves the students, and second helpings are available. Water, orange juice and hot cocoa are the beverages available at EarthTrek. On Thursday, we will ask that students come with a sack lunch to eat on our stop in Sacramento.  We can coordinate with the lunch provider if you want a bag lunch for your child. On Friday, each student will be provided a bag lunch for our picnic in Coloma. 

What activities are the students engaged in over the three-day trip?

In Sacramento, students will visit Sutter’s Fort for a self-guided tour with their day group. During our stay in Coloma, we will visit the historic site where gold was discovered and explore the town of Coloma. Students participate in leatherwork, tin smithing, gold panning, singing and storytelling at EarthTrek. 

Who is responsible for the students?

The ratio of adults to children is 1 to 8-10.  All adults are responsible for every child. 

What if I have more questions?

There is a family informational meeting scheduled for Monday, March 4 at 8:15-9:00 a.m. in the Bacich Library and on Zoom. Additionally, you may contact your child’s teacher or Victoria Denson ( or Marjorie Bukowski (