Participant Recruitment

Are you interested in participating in a study?

To become a candidate to participate in our research, please download and complete the application below labeled "Participant Application" and submit either through email or mail to the SPARR Lab's address provided on the application.

To Download:

      • Click on the "Participant Application" in the upper right corner to open the application in a New Window.

      • Download the application and it will appear as a Microsoft Word document.

Participant application.docx

Are you a student interested in gaining work experience through our laboratory?

If interested in becoming involved at the SPARR Lab, please download and complete the application below labeled "Volunteer Application" and submit through email or mail to the addresses provided in the application.

To download the application

  • follow the instructions provided above for the "Participant

  • Application" but with the "Volunteer Application."

Volunteer application.SPARR LAB.docx