Home Classroom Set-up

Wondering how to maximize your student's work space at home? Thinking about how to get your student to be more independent with school tasks in a virtual learning world? The Kennedy Krieger School-Fairmount Campus Access Workgroup has produced two short modules to help support families in this unique time! One is focused on setting up a workspace to maximize work and attention at home and the other is focused on prompting (what is it? why is it important? what is wait time?).

  1. Setting Up a Workspace: https://youtu.be/UGDQS6C_apY

  1. The Use of Prompts During Distance Learning and Telehealth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0vX-q9KLsA

We hope these modules are helpful! Watch them when you have a minute, are feeling stuck, or as a learning tool for other family members. We appreciate you!