KKSP In the News

Your Child's Brain Podcasts from Kennedy Krieger Institute

There have been 12 episodes of the “Your Child’s Brain” podcast since Kennedy Krieger President and CEO Dr. Brad Schlaggar started hosting this series. The first podcast was in July 2021. Below you will find a list of each month’s topic. For June 2022, the topic is Transition Planning Process for Individuals with an IEP

  1. July 2021: Introducing Your Child’s Brain

  2. August 2021: The Neuroscience Of Learning

  3. September 2021: Youth Mental Health

  4. October 2021: The Impact of Trauma on Children’s Brains

  5. November 2021: Infant and Early Child Development

  6. December 2021: Cerebral Palsy

  7. January 2022: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHA)

  8. February 2022: Feeding Disorders

  9. March 2022: Autism

  10. April 2022: Autism Co-morbidities and Severe Behaviors

  11. May 2022: Unraveling Mysteries Rare Childhood Diseases

  12. June 2022: Transition Planning Process for Individuals with an IEP

You can listen to all the podcasts HERE.

Media Coverage for Kennedy Krieger

6/28/22 - CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Program Helps People with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Get Work Experience

6/26/22 - The AFRO: Project SEARCH at Kennedy Krieger Aims to Break Down Employment Barriers for People with Disabilities

6/24/22 - The Baltimore Banner: How Long Is Too Long to Grieve?

6/20/22 - Education Week: Thousands of Students Will Face Long COVID. Schools Need to Plan Now

5/10/21 - Fairmount teacher recognized by M&T Bank and the Baltimore Ravens

The Baltimore Ravens host an annual opportunity to recognize outstanding educators through their Touchdown for Teachers program. The program seeks to honor educators for their leadership, dedication, and commitment to education, and for outstanding service to their students and school. This year one of our very own teachers was recognized as a finalist, Steve Martin. Well deserved. I am happy to have Steve represent the great work that everyone is doing at the school. Way to go Steve! You can read the full press release HERE

5/08/20 - Baltimore Sun: Distance learning can and does work for special education students and their families - Dr. Bradley Schlaggar & Dr. Nancy Grasmick