Upcoming Events

Women's Development Kendo Seminar - 24 - 26 Nov, 2023

Information about attending the Invitational Women's Development Kendo Seminar for Yoshinkan Club Members

Up to date information for those already registered to attend the seminar is available here

What is it?

The seminar is an event being organised by a committee of high ranking female Sensei from across NZ including our very own Sue and Liz. Several high ranking Sensei from Japan and NZ including Sensei Kunio Hayashi, Hanshi 8th Dan, will be visiting to attend and instruct at the seminar. The event will focus on developing Women's Kendo in NZ, and so is geared toward our female club members. However, there will be several opportunities for all members of our club to participate, so I wanted to boil down the event into this post so you know how you can get involved.

When is it?

Weekend of Friday 24th November to Sunday 26th November

What's happening on the weekend?

Up to date information for those already registered to attend the seminar is available here. Here is summarised the main events.

Friday Night (18:30 - approx 20:15)

Saturday (8:00 - approx 17:00)

Sunday (8:00 - approx 17:00)

Which sessions am I invited to, and how do I register?

Female Kenshi, Any Rank and Male Kenshi, 2nd Dan and above

Male Kenshi, Attempting any Dan grade

Male Kenshi, Kyu and not grading


I'm a Kyu grade and am looking forward to my next grading. When will that opportunity be?

By convention Kyu gradings are conducted within the club, while Kenshi are encouraged to grade for Dan grades in front of a panel including Sensei from other clubs. Yōshinkan will hold a club grading before the start of the Christmas break, with the date to be confirmed soon.

What's Mawarigeiko? I've never done it before

Think of jigeiko as we do it in the club. Fight, rotate, fight again. Mawarigeiko is that, but clubs and ranks are randomly mixed up. You just pick a random person to start the rotation with, and you start rotating with everyone else. You will fight from Kyus to some of the most high ranking Sensei in the world, young, old, our club, other clubs. It's a fantastic opportunity to get direct feedback to improve your Kendo.

How much does it cost?

Where can I find out more?