
What's a Trumpet (Cornet)?

The trumpet (cornet) is the highest-pitched instrument in the brass section. It is also one of the oldest instruments, with examples dating back to 1500BC.

How to play

Trumpets are played by blowing air through almost-closed lips, to produce a "buzzing" sound. Say the letter M and keep your lips in the closed position. Blow through this position to make the buzzing sound. After assembling the trumpet, inhale through your mouth, assume the proper lip position, put the instrument up to your lips, and vibrate using your lips, making the buzzing sound. You should feel your lips change tightness as they lock into a note. After playing your first note, try tightening your lips slightly and pushing down the valves.

Fun Facts

  1. Despite its relatively small size, the average trumpet can have up to 6 1/2 feet of tubing. This makes the hand held trumpet taller than the average human!

  2. Trumpets are actually 3500 years old! Trumpet like instruments date back to at least 1500 BC, with trumpets found in Tutankhamun's burial chamber in Eygypt. Artwork depictions of trumpets have been dated back to 300 BC.

What do I need for Trumpet class?

Below you can find the class supply list for Trumpet. You can also go directly to the Bells Music website and get supplies that way!

Trumpet Beginner Supply List