K - 12th grade's Hour of Code site has lots of coding activities that students can access without an account. There are also in depth courses available with a free account.
2nd grade +
Scratch allows students to create digital content through coding like animations and games. Parents will need to sign up for a free account for students to save their projects.
K - 5th grade
Kids can play the Hour of Code games without a login, but have access to several more games if their teacher has set up accounts for them. Contact your GT Specialist for their class code.
K - 2nd grade
AllCanCode is a game based program that teaches younger kids how to code using a block system. No account required.
K - 12th grade
Tynker has coding courses, games, and challenges. Sign up for a free student account to access. *Currently offering free premium accounts during school closures*
3rd grade +
CodeCombat uses rpg style gameing to teach students how to code. There is a paid curriculum, but the Introduction to Computer Science course does not require a student license.
2nd - 6th grade
Blockly has programming lessons that teach students through a series of puzzles. No account required.
1st - 8th grade
Codemoji has interactive coding games and lessons. You can access them without an account, but will need to create a free account to save your progress.
K - 2nd grade
Code Monster has kids complete a coding quest using block based code. No account required.
2nd - 12th grade
Microsoft Makecode has projects for students to learn coding using both block and text editors.
4th - 12 grade
Code with Google has online courses where students watch videos and complete the coding tasks created by the Google Ed team. Students can sign in using their Google email to save their progress and earn badges.
4th - 12th grade
Gamestar Mechanic uses fun, game-based quests and courses to help kids learn game design and make their own video games. A free account gives access to the first game design quest, and the ability to make and publish games.
5th - 12th grade
Code Monster, Code Maven, and Game Maven are interactive tutorials where kids can play with code, experiment, build, and learn.
5th - 12th grade
Beetle Blocks is a block based coding platform that uses visual code for 3D design projects.
5th - 12th grade
Gameblox is a editor that uses a blocks based programming language similar to Scratch. Students will need a free account to save their progress.
9th - 12th grade
Full courses to learn everything from programming basics to more advanced computer science concepts.
9th - 12th grade
Learn to code your own games with their brick coding platform. Students will need a free account to create and save.
9th - 12th grade
Codecademy has courses on all things computer science, including a course for each programming language. A basic account can be used to access their free interactive lessons & daily practice, but a subscription is required for many of their courses.
Offline Activities
These are great activities to teach students programming and sequencing without using the computer.