
カレン・リンパー=ヘルツ/ Karen Limper-Herz

大英図書館(ロンドン)初期刊本と16世紀刊本部門主任研究員。英国書誌学会(ロンドン)副会長兼事務局長を務めているほか、ヴァージニア大学(米国)貴重書集中講座教員、ロンドン考古協会会員でもある。ヨーロッパの書物の装丁や19世紀イギリスの書物蒐集の歴史を研究対象としている。大英図書館の展覧会 'Elizabeth & Mary: Royal Cousins, Rival Queens' (2021-2022) 'Georgians Revealed: Life, Style and the Making of Modern Britain' (2013-2014) のキュレーターを務めたほか、大英図書館のコレクションや自身の専門領域について、イギリス国内外にて精力的に出版、講演を行なっている。2022年に慶應義塾大学デジタルメディア・コンテンツ統合研究センター大英図書館と共同制作した無料オンライン講座(FutureLearn)「旅する書物:日本とヨーロッパの歴史のなかで」にもゲスト出演した主著に、'A Binding by Francis Bedford, between 1851 and 1883’, The Book Collector, 71 (2022), 122-125, ‘The Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC): Past, Present and Future’ (with John Goldfinch), in Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500: Fifty Years that Changed Europe, ed. by Cristina Dondi (Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2020), pp. 899-909, 'A Binding by Alexander Cleeve, c. 1688', The Book Collector, 64 (2015), 240-242, 'The Life of a Journeyman-Bookbinder in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries' (with Mirjam M. Foot), in Habent sua signa libelli: Beiträge zum Bucheinband in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Konrad von Rabenau anlässlich seines 90. Geburtstags am 3. Februar 2014 gewidmet (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2015), pp. 247-261などがある。

Dr Karen Limper-Herz is Lead Curator, Incunabula and Sixteenth Century Printed Books at the British Library in London. She is Honorary Secretary and Vice-President of the Bibliographical Society (London), a member of the faculty of Rare Book School, University of Virginia (USA), and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Her research focuses on European bookbinding and the history of book collecting in 19th-century England. She co-curated the British Library's exhibitions, 'Elizabeth & Mary: Royal Cousins, Rival Queens' (2021-22) and 'Georgians Revealed: Life, Style and the Making of Modern Britain' (2013-14). She publishes and speaks regularly about aspects of the Library's collections and her areas of research both within and outside the UK. She has also appeared in a free online course, 'Travelling Books: History in Europe and Japan', which the Keio FutureLearn team (Keio University DMC) produced in collaboration with the British Library in 2022. Her publications include: 'A Binding by Francis Bedford, between 1851 and 1883’, Book Collector, 71 (2022), 122-125; ‘The Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC): Past, Present and Future’ (with John Goldfinch), in Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500: Fifty Years that Changed Europe, ed. by Cristina Dondi (Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2020), pp. 899-909; 'The Life of a Journeyman-Bookbinder in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries' (with Mirjam M. Foot), in Habent sua signa libelli: Beiträge zum Bucheinband in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Konrad von Rabenau anlässlich seines 90. Geburtstags am 3. Februar 2014 gewidmet (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2015) pp. 247-261.

雪嶋 宏一/ Koichi Yukishima

早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教授(図書館情報学、西洋書誌学)。国内所在の西洋15世紀印刷本を研究調査し、さらに16世紀印刷本の近代化の過程を研究。2017年第19回図書館サポートフォーラム賞受賞。近著に『書誌学の誕生:コンラート・ゲスナー『万有書誌』の研究』(日外アソシエーツ、2022) 'Pagination Printed by Aldus Manutius', Bibliothecae.it, 9.1 (2020), 11–31, 'Gessner’s Bibliotheca universalis and the Aldine Press', in Conrad Gessner (1516-1565), ed. by Urs Leu and Peter Opitz (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019) pp. 29–42などがある。

Koichi Yukishima is a Professor of Library and Information Science at Waseda University. He is widely known for his catalogue of incunabula in Japanese collections. His research interests also include the process of modernization of books published in the 16th century. In 2017, he was awarded the 19th Library Support Forum Award. His recent works include: 『書誌学の誕生:コンラート・ゲスナー『万有書誌』の研究』 (The Birth of Bibliography: A Study of Conrad Gessner's Bibliotheca universalis) (Nichigai Associates, 2022), 'Pagination Printed by Aldus Manutius', Bibliothecae.it, 9.1 (2020), 11–31, 'Gessner’s Bibliotheca universalis and the Aldine Press', in Conrad Gessner (1516-1565), ed. by Urs Leu and Peter Opitz (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019),pp. 29–42.

鈴木 広光/ Hiromitsu Suzuki

奈良女子大学文学部言語文化学科教授。国語学、分析書誌学を専門とし、特に日本語の書記様式と印刷との関係を研究している。主著に「「適応」と言語普遍ー他者認識のプロセスと〈普遍〉の変容」『宣教と適応:グローバル・ミッションの近世』(名古屋大学出版会、 2020) pp. 426-465、『日本語活字印刷史』(名古屋大学出版会、2015)、『日本の近代活字 : 本木昌造とその周辺』(朗文堂、 2003、共著)などがある。

Hiromitsu Suzuki is a Professor of Language and Culture in the Faculty of Letters at Nara Women's University. He specializes in Japanese language and analytical bibliography, with particular interest in the relationship between the Japanese script and typography. His main publications include: 「「適応」と言語普遍ー他者認識のプロセスと〈普遍〉の変容」("Accommodation" and Universality: the Process of Recognizing the Other and the Transformation of the "Universality") 『宣教と適応:グローバル・ミッションの近世』(Evangelization and Accommodation: Catholic Global Mission of the Early Modern Period) (Nagoya University Press, 2020) pp. 426-45, 『日本語活字印刷史』 (A History of Japanese Typography) (Nagoya University Press, 2015), and 『日本の近代活字 : 本木昌造とその周辺』(Modern Type in Japan: Motoki Shozo and His Associates) (Robundo, 2003, co-edition).

安形 麻理/ Mari Agata

慶應義塾大学文学部教授(西洋書誌学)。グーテンベルク聖書の活字や印刷工程のデジタルデータを用いた分析や、初期印刷聖書の形態の変遷を調査している。主著に'Statistical analysis of the Gutenberg 42-line Bible types: Special focus on letters with a suspension stroke', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 115.2 (2021), 167-183(共著)、「聖書に見る本文の構造の視覚的な提示方法」『貴重書の挿絵とパラテクスト』松田隆美編(慶應義塾大学出版会, 2012), 103 - 123、『デジタル書物学事始め:グーテンベルク聖書とその周辺 』(勉誠出版、2010)などがある。

Mari Agata is Professor of Library and Information Science in the Faculty of Letters at Keio University. She is interested in digital analysis of the types and printing process of the Gutenberg Bible and the physical changes in the early printed Bibles. Her main publications include: 'Statistical analysis of the Gutenberg 42-line Bible types: Special focus on letters with a suspension stroke', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 115.2 (2021), 167-183 (co-author), 「聖書に見る本文の構造の視覚的な提示方法」(Visualization of the text structure in the Bibles)『貴重書の挿絵とパラテクスト』松田隆美編 (Illustrations and Paratext in Rare Books, ed. by Takami Matsuda) (Keio University Press, 2012), 103-23, and『デジタル書物学事始め:グーテンベルク聖書とその周辺 』 (Introduction to digital bibliography: the Gutenberg Bible and beyond) (Bensei Shuppan, 2010).