終了しました。 Event closed.
A Hybrid International Symposium (free; registration required)
日時:2023年3月4日(土)/ 4 March 2023 (Sat.) 14:00-17:00 (開場/ Registration opens 13:30)
会場:慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス 東館・Gラボ(6・7階)/
Venue: G-Lab (6-7th floors), East Research Building, Mita Campus, Keio University, Tokyo
Zoomにてオンライン参加可能(登録者にパスコード配布)/ Online Zoom meeting available (Passcode distributed to registrants)
*COVID-19の状況により完全オンラインに切り替える場合があります/ Depending on the situation of COVID-19, the symposium may be switched to a fully online meeting.
Books have been and will be changing in its form, use, perception, and social role. The introduction of a new technology has often marked a turning point, but not led to straightforward results. Behind these changes are the expansion of the horizon of expectations shared by authors, printers/publishers, correctors, illuminators, binders, readers, and collectors. Innovations in text and paratext – scripts/typefaces, page layout, means of text divisions, and practical tools for users – provide clues to unravel conscious and unconscious expectations. This symposium examines books and their appearance, along with people’s expectations of how a book should look like changed over time in the early modern period in the East and the West.
Karen Limper-Herz (British Library, London)
'Reading' Incunabula in the 19th Century
English-Japanese simultaneous translation available (Japanese translation streamed through Zoom)
Convenors: Mari Agata, Satoko Tokunaga, & Mayumi Ikeda (Keio University)
参加登録は終了しました/ Registration closed. https://forms.gle/7N7xpbDPQopZTx8B7
登録期限:2月26日(日)(対面参加)/ 3月2日(木)(オンライン参加)
Registration closes: 26 Feb. (Sun) (face-to-face)/ 2 Mar. (Thu.) (online)
For enquiries, please e-mail: behind-the-book@keio.jp