Key Stage 3

In this section, you’ll find lots of resources that KEHS teachers have put together to inspire Lower School Athena projects. Each department has provided a number of ideas for topics you may wish to explore – you do not need to do every one! Remember, these are just ideas and prompts – you may have your own ideas too.   


You will have one week free from standard homework to engage in these activities, although you can work on your Athena project for a longer period of time if something particularly piques your interest. During an Athena week, please aim to complete one task (which could either be something suggested by one of the departments, or your own idea). You can present your findings in any way you feel works best, such as a written piece, photographs, a model, drawing or presentation. 

“I really loved the Athena project, as it was a chance to focus on and learn more about a subject we were passionate about.” 

KEHS student.