
An important part of our mission at Saturday Stream Snapshot is to educate the public about ways every one of us can help prevent nutrient pollution in the Little Miami River - and all bodies of water, for that matter.

View our educational series - more will be added throughout the year - or learn about our key partners, below.

Educational Series: Top Ways Residents Can Help Our Rivers and Streams

DIY Rain Barrel.pdf

Our Partners

Rivers Unlimited is a regional water quality partner, monitoring the lower Great Miami watershed through their Citizens' Water Quality Monitoring Program.

Mill Creek Alliance is a regional water quality partner, monitoring the Mill Creek watershed.

Lisa Link, a medical/scientific illustrator, created the graphics for the SSS website and promotional materials.

Izaak Walton National Water Monitoring Program - Stream Monitoring

The Izaak Walton League’s Save Our Streams program is the only nationwide program training volunteers to protect waterways from pollution and bring information about water quality to their communities.
