About the Teacher

Name: Miss Nicole St. James

Email: nstjames@kearsarge.org

Phone: (603) 927-2190

Instagram: miss_st.james

(homework and announcements posted on Instagram)

Superpower: Baking

Currently Reading:

Students challenged me to make a goal of reading 75 books in 2017....I ended up reading/listening to 152!

In 2018, I'd like to read/listen to 150 books, with 50 of them being actual books I read. I've already read/listened to 80 books in 2018.

I am currently reading House, by Tracy Kidder, which is about the process of building a house and all the people who are involved.

I am also always listening to audio books! I go through 2-4 books a week, which is both fun and informative! Ask me about my current audio book!

A bit about me:

I am incredibly excited to be returning to KRMS for a second year! I feel extremely lucky to have a career that makes me happy to go to work each day. Teaching is never boring, always creative, and sometimes messy. I learn so much from my students on a daily basis!

Prior to coming to KRMS, I taught at Newport Middle and High School for 9 years. I have taught 7th-11th grade, both traditional English/Language Arts classes and Literacy (non-fiction/informational text) classes. It has been a privilege to join the wonderful community at KRMS and being part of the 8-1 Cluster, where I have already grown so much as an educator.

I am a graduate of the Upper Valley Educator Institute, where I received my certification for English and Secondary Education. I also have a B.A. in Communication from the University of New Hampshire and am working towards an additional certification as a Media Specialist from Plymouth State University.

Outside of school, I enjoy reading and writing (those hobbies should be kind of obvious!), baking, running, walking, gardening, shopping at thrift stores, photography, arts and crafts, board games, and spending time with family and friends. I am a native of New Hampshire, and now live in Dover, which is a bit of a commute from the Kearsarge area, but allows for plenty of time to listen to audio books!

I am really enjoying a fabulous school year in 2017-2018 and am bursting with ideas and enthusiasm!


Miss Nicole St. James