
Marielena Guthrie

Self-Portrait as Theodora

acrylic, 2020

Empress Theodora (born c. 497 CE—died June 28, 548, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Turkey]) was notable for her power and influence. Theodora was the wife, co-ruler, and most trusted adviser of Justinian I (reigned 527–565), the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. She influenced a series of reforms that were beneficial to women. She instituted policies prohibiting prostitution and instituting harsh punishments for rape and other forms of violence against women. She was influential in foreign affairs, wrote to many leaders, and had relationships with them. Eventually, two political factions in Constantinople, the Blues and the Greens, united in their opposition to the government. Justinian was told to leave but Theodora insisted that he stay, save his empire, and prove that they were the true rulers of Byzantium. She said “Whether or not a woman should give an example of courage to men is neither here nor there. At a moment of desperate danger, one must do what one can… May I never be without the purple I wear, nor live to see the day when men do not call me Your Majesty…the purple is the noblest shroud.”

Theodora proved herself to be the most powerful, strong-willed, intelligent woman. I believe this caused many to think that it was she, rather than Justinian, who ruled Byzantium. She is now a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The two mosaics depict Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora (who never been to Ravenna). But their presence and participation in the liturgy is emphasized by the objects they are carrying. They are embodying and reflecting Byzantine imperial power. The similarity in color and clothing style shows that she was presented to the public as a woman of high status equal to her husband. However, there is a difference: Justinian’s monochromatic portrait vs. the detailed and multi-colored mosaic of Theodora; showing her uniqueness and vibrancy. This is what I wanted to portray in my painting; her superiority and divine presence. ΜΓ are my name initials and A meaning saint; eliding myself with Theodora just as she is with the Virgin Mary and the Roman Goddess Venus.

Works Cited

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Theodora.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 30 Dec. 2019,

“The Empress Theodora of the Byzantine Empire.” Byzantine Conference, 21 Sept. 2018,

“Theodora.” Encyclopedia of World Biography,, 23 Apr. 2020,

About the Artist

Marielena Guthrie

Currently an undergraduate student at Kean University, New Jersey, USA, 2020

BA Fine Arts, and Minor Art History