
Tips to search for books in the catalog:

  • Have keywords in mind to narrow your results.

  • If you know the author, title, or ISBN number, be sure to switch your search from WORDS OR PHRASE to AUTHOR, TITLE, or ISBN.

  • Before seeking out a book on the shelf read the description, tags, and table of contents if available. Is this book relevant to your topic?

  • Write down the book's call number. Hint: our library shelves by genre, so take special note of which section you should head to. You can always ask a librarian to help you find what you're looking for!

Tips to search for books in the catalog:

  • Have keywords in mind to narrow your results.

  • If you know the author, title, or ISBN number, be sure to switch your search from WORDS OR PHRASE to AUTHOR, TITLE, or ISBN.

  • Before seeking out a book on the shelf read the description, tags, and table of contents if available. Is this book relevant to your topic?

  • Write down the book's call number. Hint: our library shelves by genre, so take special note of which section you should head to. You can always ask a librarian to help you find what you're looking for!

1920's & 1930's print sources @ KHS

If you have a project coming up that requires print sources about the 1920's or 1930's, here's a handy dandy spreadsheet full of them!