Home to School Connections

Welcome! In these links and pages, families can find optional resources to support their student's learning in the classroom, while they are at home. Below you will find 2 types of resources to utilize, based on your students' needs.

Technology Resources, families will find videos /tutorials on how to use apps that are loaded on the student devices.
Curriculum Resources, grade-level specific, trimester-based learning target focused activities, apps, prompts and other optional supports for families to utilize with their student(s). Trimester learning targets are chosen based on learning strands, priority standards, and current student needs based on learning trends.

Enjoy these optional resources to support your student(s)' learning, at home.

Assistance with iPads, frequently used apps, TeacherEase, SeeSaw and Schoology

Grade level resources available to help students master math and literacy learning targets

The Summer Learning Website has information about required summer reading activities as well as optional weekly activities for enrichment.