
Roland Claassen
Assistant Director

 Get ready for an exciting start to the new semester with two awesome graphic novels on myON! For our intermediate readers, we have "The Cat That Disappeared," and for those looking for a challenge, dive into "The Tall Tale of Paul Bunyan: The Graphic Novel." Earn AR points by acing the quizzes at school and let's kick off this semester with some fantastic reading adventures! 

The Cat That Disappeared

 The pet show is about to start, and Ava can't find her cat. It's time to do some detective work. Ava, Clair, and Caleb are on the case!

The Tall Tale of Paul Bunyan: 

The Graphic Novel 

 Paul Bunyan, the giant woodsman, had shirt buttons made from wagon wheels and an axe that could build a town in a month! One day, he found a big blue ox frozen in the snow. Paul named him Babe and together they cleared the land for settlers.