Muggles News is organized by a group of KCIS students from the Reporter Club.  

We provide the latest and most exclusive reports on what is happening at KCIS.

Taking the Spotlight: Interclass Competition 

By: Michael Shen

 "Drumming to a crescendo, the Interclass Competition winners this year at KCIS are..." This moment stands as one of the most thrilling highlights at KCIS. Each year, the ID department hosts this competition, providing students with a platform to show their talents and express themselves. 

 This year, the final contestants from the lower grades delivered a live show with their lovely voices and moves. The venue was filled with joy at every step and note. In the middle-grade contests, each team told a story with their creativity and energy, collaborating effectively. The audience enjoyed a great visual and audible feast. The sixth grade participants introduced their own digital museums, symbolizing Gen Z. “The topics were diverse," said a Grade 6 student, “like Uber Eats, Steven He, and Chat GPT, presented in a fun way. There was even a drone hovering on the stage.” This school-wide event was a great success, and it was evident that the students had put a lot of effort and thought into the competitions.

Echoes of Talent: KCIS Music Carnival

By: Dorothy Ting, Chloe Lee, Taro Wang, and Rupert Wei

 Do you know the songs "A Whole New World" from Disney's Aladdin or "My Favorite Things" from "The Sound of Music"? I'm sure you're familiar with these melodies! At the end of last semester, performers at our KCIS music carnival brought the songs from these two classic movies to the stage, creating unforgettable experiences for all fourth and fifth graders. "Each song can be woven together to create a story. Our performers turned these songs into a play, bringing the stories to life," said the host. To ensure the carnival's success, middle graders practiced singing and acting throughout the entire semester. The results displayed their incredible hard work and effort toward the carnival. If you're in grades three or four this year, you should look forward to this exciting activity where you can show your love for the performing arts!