Muggles News is organized by a group of KCIS students from the Reporter Club.  

We provide the latest and most exclusive reports on what is happening at KCIS.

Our Heroes, the Janitors

By: Kingston Hsiao

 Have you ever thought about why our school is always clean and never dusty? That’s because there are a lot of janitors cleaning the school while the students are enjoying their class and recess. The janitors clean and maintain every corner of the school buildings every day. Even though they don’t provide direct support like teachers do, every student here should notice their hard work and show their respect, just like they do to the teachers. What small things can each student do to keep the school environment clean and tidy? When we asked most janitors, they agreed that students should stop allowing the water from their hands to wet the ground when they dry them. Let’s keep this in mind and work together with our heroes.

A Glimpse Inside the Makers' Lab

By: Michael Shen

 Kang Chiao International School uses computer and AI technology to improve students' digital skills as the world is likely to enter the information age. According to computer teacher Ms. Hong, "In the future, most workers will be replaced by AI robots, and it will be very handy if we are good at programming." In the Makers' Lab, students learn how to use computers. Starting from basic skills, such as learning how to type in grade 3, students in grade 5 can build their robots and use FlipCode to control the robot, and they will train the robots to move, follow the sound, make noises, etc. Let us pay attention in the programming class, it will be a practical tool for your future.