Citation Information

You must cite all sources in all parts of your project - History notes and current event, Science field notes and action plan, English grant proposal, and final presentation.  This page has information that will help you cite properly!

Details on how to cite for each part of the project are included in the paperwork handed out by your teachers.  You will use various types of citation for different parts of the project - footnotes, parenthetical, Works Cited lists, etc., so be sure to read carefully. If you are confused about how or when to cite for any part of the project, ask one of the project teachers!


covered by Mrs. Parker

ESP 2021 - Works Cited Presentation

Citation Guidelines

Citation Generator Links

While the links below are useful, you are still responsible for checking the information that these sites provide.  Be sure to check the formatting.  Do not leave blanks in the citations.  Do not leave your sources in different fonts.