English Activities


At KCCKC, we hold a number of activities to arouse students' interest in the language as well as for them to know their own.  

Whole-school Activities

Held usually after lunch, these activities target all students regardless of forms and levels. They provide students both learning and appreciation of the language.

F1-2 Saturday Camp

As a break away from classroom English learning, our Saturday English camp for forms 1-2 are for students to be exposed to English activities that will allow them to use the language in a fun and relaxed way. Students experience cooking, playing a new sport, honing their team work through scavenger hunt, etc.

Debate Club

In the Debate Club, students learn the art of making sound arguments for a particular point. After a few practice rounds which are usually held after school, students compete with other schools to test their skills.

English Culture Club

The English Culture Club is a platform for students to be exposed to aspects of culture from different English-speaking countries.

KCC Standard

Being the school's English newspaper, students and teacher write up editorials for school publication including students' work.


With shows shown annually during graduation, the Musical Club allows students to showcase their singing, dancing, and acting talents to a large audience. Collaborating with the Music department, students get to hone both their music and English skills. 

English Speech Festival

As the staple English language competition for the entirety of Hong Kong, our school joins the competition for the solo, dramatic, public speaking and choral speaking. 

English Activity Card 

Every student receives an English Activity Card in which they get stamps for whenever they join English Activities. Each activity has a corresponding number of stamps that can be collected. Teachers and English Ambassadors can give the stamps.  

English Corner

Located at 310, students can visit the room and enjoy chatting and playing board games in English. Every visit and chat with teachers lets students collect stamps for the English Activity Card.