On Wednesdays, we have our whole-school English morning assembly on Campus TV. 

Teachers and students are broadcasted from the library to the whole school and are seen on the classroom TVs. There are 3 different types of English Campus TV. 

News Around Us

This segment features sharing of local and global news to enable our students to have awareness of current affairs. Student individual presentations are also showcased here.

Read Aloud 

During Read Aloud Wednesdays, our NET demonstrates how to do a  great read aloud of short passages, emphasizing not on pronunciation but as well as intonation. 


#YourVoice is centred around the voices of our students. Sharing their views on light-hearted topics live, we also share students' voice with the help of the platform Flipgrid.

18_11_2020 Campus TV News.pdf

What's happening around the world? (18/11/2020)

Ms Celine and Ms Linda share about the typhoon in the Philippines and the US elections. 

#YourVoice 1 - Which fictional universe do you want to exist in real life? (11.11.2020)

Take a look at some of the students response on Flipgrid: https://flipgrid.com/4d8dd9e1 


Helping you with Form Test (21.10.20)

Listen to Mr Tsang and Ms Linda on their take on how to prepare for the form test.

20201007 - 1st Yourvoice.mp4

Campus TV - #YourVoice (07.10.20)

This year, we're including students' voice in our Campus TV this year, sharing what they think with the use of our latest platform, Flipgrid. 

Here's our first segment with #YourVoice.

Campus TV Teaser.mp4

Campus TV Teaser (23.09.20)

Here is our first Campus TV snippet for academic year 2020-2021!

Welcome back students!


Our English Ambassadors (2020-2021)

Chris Leung 2C Icy Lo 2A  

All Read Aloud Ambassadors