
About our sources.

  • KKC Library will find the books that are in the school and tell you where to find them on the shelves. It will also give you websites and active links on your topic.
  • Any Questions will provide a guided search on how to find information online to help you with your understanding of the topic. The books they reference are may also be found in the Public Library.
  • National Library — Topic Explorer will return all the resources, text, images, digital, multimedia that are available from public spaces in New Zealand including museums, libraries, art galleries and archives. This is a very good site for images for your assignments.
  • The New Zealand History site will give you in-depth and New Zealand focussed information on your topic. Look on the right hand side and it will give you the keywords to use to refine your search.
  • NZ On Screen will also have film clips of interest, eg. this result for the search term : War
  • Index New Zealand will find articles from newspapers, magazines and journals published in New Zealand. Use the National Library search box below. Be sure to use the pull-down box on the right (Catalogue) to select Index New Zealand. Look down the right-hand side of the page to refine your search. You may be able to find the complete item online, but you can request the article which will be sent by email. Use the instructions in Requesting Items.

Index New Zealand

Scroll down for the results

  • Epic will bring information from around the world, but will include New Zealand sources including Index New Zealand. You will need to use the Refine Search section on the left to get specifically what you need.