Standards Offered

Level 1 Achievement Standards

Innovation and Creativity

AS91878 Develop a design for a digital outcome

AS91880 Develop a digital media outcome

AS91881 Develop an electronics outcome

AS91009 Geographic understanding of the sustainable use of an environment

AS91044 Undertake brief development

AS91045 Use planning tools to guide the technological development of an outcome

AS91046 Use design ideas to produce a conceptual design

AS91047 Undertake development to make a prototype

Level 2 Achievement Standards

Innovation and Creativity

AS91356 Develop a conceptual design

AS91866 Inquiry into the use of organisms to meet future needs

AS90811 How human activity in a biophysical environment has consequences for a sustainable future

AS90180 Personal action, with reflection, that contributes to a sustainable future

AS91894 Advanced techniques to develop an electronics outcome

Level 3 Achievement Standards

Innovation and Creativity

AS91900 Conduct a critical digital technologies inquiry

AS91904 Use complex techniques to develop an electronics outcome

Level 1 Achievement Standards

Plant Science and Technology

AS90157 Practical horticulture skills

AS90918 Practical horticulture investigation

AS90923 Basic plant propagation techniques

AS90922 Design a landscape plan that meets user requirements

AS90160 Impact on the environment of primary management practices

AS90920 Geographical distribution of agricultural and horticultural production in NZ

AS90924 Horticultural plant management practices and related physiology

AS90930 Practical chemistry investigation on soil pH

AS90926 Report on a biological issue

AS90919 Demonstrate knowledge of soil management practices

AS90155 Pasture or crop management

Level 2 Achievement Standards

Plant Science and Technology

AS91289 Extended practical horticulture investigation

AS91291 Advanced propagation techniques used for commercial production

AS91296 Produce a landscape plan

AS91292 How management practices influence plant growth in NZ - this standard can be combined with AS91102 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text

AS91290 Techniques used to modify physical factors for NZ plant production

AS91298 Environmental impact of a locally produced primary product

AS91154 Analyse biological validity of information

Level 3 Achievement Standards

Plant Science and Technology

AS91529 Research into the impact of factors on the profitability of a New Zealand primary product

AS91528 Investigation into an aspect of a New Zealand primary product

As91531 How production process meets market requirements for a primary product

AS91532 Analyse a New Zealand primary production environmental issue

Level 1 Achievement Standards

Business Management

AS90840 Apply the marketing mix

AS90984 Decisions a producer makes about production

AS90841 Human resource processes in a business

AS90842 Carry out and review a product based business activity within a classroom context

Level 2 Achievement Standards

Business Management

AS90846 Conduct market research

AS91867 Primary industry business structure that best meets future needs

AS91868 Cash flow forecasting for a business

AS91685 Future proofing influences that affect business viability - this standard can be combined with AS91102 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text

AS91481 Understanding a topical accounting issue (sustainability) for decision making.

Level 3 Achievement Standards

Business Management

AS91871 Analyse how a product meets market needs through innovation in the value chain

AS91870 Financing options of a strategic capital expenditure decision

AS91869 Analyse future proofing strategies to ensure long term viability of a business

AS91380 Understanding strategic response to external factors by a business that operates in a global context

AS91383 Analyse a human resources issue

Level 1 Unit Standards

US497 Workplace health and safety

US23780 General garden maintenance

US1 Prepare and sow outdoor seedbeds

US23782 Containers, materials, plants, tools

US23783 Grow and maintain plants in containers from seed

US5946 Use computer technology to create and deliver a presentation

US18743 Produce a spreadsheet from instructions using supplied data

Level 2 Unit Standards

US2803 Maintain a documented work record for a primary industry opeartion

US22191 Factors which influence plant growth

US22174 Soils and fertilisers

US22188 Irrigation systems

US22185 Quality control systems

US29508 Sow seeds and monitor germination

US23781 Grow and pot up plants from stem cuttings

US29504 Prick out seedlings or rooted cuttings, transplant and pot on young plants

US27708 Sexual and asexual propagation

US27707 Budding, grafting, layering and tissue culture

US29495 Weed control

US20570 Nursery growing media and soils

US829 Plant nomenclature

Level 2 Unit Standards off site by negotiation

US29513 Train and prune young vines

US21212 Harvest a fruit crop

US29496 Field graft vines

US29492 Care for a nursery crop (may be on-site)

US29497 Hand prune fruit trees

US 29493 Carry out basic canopy maintenance of trees or vines

Level 3 Unit Standards

US21031 Identify a range of plants used in amenity horticulture

US24648 Identify physical characteristics of plants in amenity horticulture

US27210 Identify and describe weeds and methods of prevention and control

US29829 Plant structure, functions and processes

US22175 Soil properties and their effect on plant growth

US20555 Prepare and use soil-less growing media

US27217 Demonstrate knowledge of integrated pest management