Pūtaiao / Science

Young Ocean Explorers 2024

Day 1 Connections to the awa / moana / roto

FIRST watch this video - Young Ocean Explorers 'Whai and navigation'. How did early Māori  know where they were going and where they were without maps?

NEXT look on a map to find where you are and the area around you. Can you see any areas of water near you - lakes, rivers, sea?

Watch: Crazy plastic journey

Beat plastic pollution

Did you pick up plastic at home?? 

DAY 3 - Ngā manu - birds

FIRST watch this video - Young Ocean Explorers and Kaikoura tītī

Complete this short quiz to find out how far Huttons Shearwaters (Kaikora Titi) travel to get food.

NEXT complete the challenge - pick up some plastic from around our kura.

THEN choose the level of work that suits you.

*Birds - starter 

**Birds - medium

***Birds - more complex

Did you pick up plastic at home??