Community Time

Do you have a time built into your daily routine to be real with your kids?

....To talk about what's good and what's not in their community; to equip your students with vocabulary to describe their feelings or help them understand the complicated and hateful world they are witnessing around them. Do you have an intentional time for silliness, telling jokes, sharing family holiday traditions, expressing gratitude toward each other?

That's what Community Time is to us.


Community Time

In this class we are talking about representation and why it is so important.

Other topics have included:

  • Family Heritage, Proud To Be You, Speak Up for Truth, Listen To Understand, Inclusion, Implicit Bias, Empathy, Love Your Neighbor, Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Equity and Diversity.

Things to Consider:

  • This time can be vulnerable. Set up community norms about respect, listening, creating space for new ideas, and confidentiality.

  • Utilize programs like PollEv which allow student to respond to prompts anonymously

  • Respect and honor kids who prefer to have their cameras off in large group settings, and encourage respectful dialogue from everybody in the chat box.

  • Have an 8-10 week community time plan but be ready to shift as needed (Amanda Gorman's inauguration speech needed to be talked about. We changed plans and made space for this important historical moment).

  • This is not just a time for heavy topics. Dad jokes and puppies are also an important part of community time!