
Curriculum Area Tasks

These tasks are optional. Try and complete three a week. They're fun and engaging!

Spelling, Handwriting and Boggle activities can be completed in your reading workbook or your Online Reading book that is in your Google Drive.


- Copy out one of the following cards

Handwriting cards

- Create a handwriting card of your own. Email it to a friend asking them to complete it OR teach a younger sibling how to form letters correctly.

Great link to help teach littlies here.


- Ask a family member to write down 12 random letters for you.

List as many words as you can using only those letters.

Try and challenge yourself by only writing down words that have four or more letters. Names also don't count!


- Take a look at these ideas listed below & have a go at home!

Mindful coloring (these will need printing)

Pop Up Name Art

Nature Artwork

Shadow Art

Digital Art

- Click on this link to find some rock artwork. Find a rock in your backyard and paint it with a pattern you design. Upload it to your blog!

- Half picture/half drawing challenge - take a look and give it a try!

- Drawing challenges

Physical Education

Although you are stuck at home, it is important to keep your body moving. Here are some ideas you could do at home.

- Take your dog/cat/rabbit/pet for a walk

- Go for a bike/scooter/roller blade ride

- Do some gardening for your family

- Click on this link for many different kid workout routines

- Jump Jam routines

- Get dancing! Here is one link to a Zumba dance routine for kids

Basic Facts Practice

- Use the links to practice your times tables

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

- Ask one of your family members to test you on random times tables by using this sheet.

- Fill in the grids below

Grid 1

Grid 2

Te Reo

- Start your own retell of the creation story. We are not able to do this collaboratively like we did at school, so you will have to start a new one.

- Practice the school songs. Video yourself doing one and upload it to your blog.

- Look through this Google Slide to learn about the Maori Gods. Make a poster (paper or online) about the one that resonates with you the most.

Make a Google Slide to complete these in OR do it on a piece of paper.

Creative Writing

Visit the site below & use them as a prompt for creative writing.

- Pobble365

- Visual Writing Prompts

- The Literacy Shed

Complete your creative writing in your Online Writing Book or on a piece of paper.

Create Activities

- Create a time capsule and bring it back to school when we return to share it with Miss Thompson & the rest of the class

- Create a post card addressed to your nana and poppa, or some other family members. Draw some art on one side, and write what you've been up to on the other side. Post it off to them when the time is right.

- Create a dance routine on your own or with a family member. Film it and upload it to your blog.

KiwiCan Activities

- Week 1

- Week 2

- Week 3

- Week 4

- Week 5